Sunday, February 8, 2009

Romania!!! I can hardly believe it.

Hi Everyone, I apologize for not writing on the blog. But I did warn most of you at Christmas that January would be busy as I finished my first semester in Austria. I will be honest and say that it wasn't my best semester. I couldn't give 100% even for just one of my classes so the grades that I will get will be worth whatever they are. I'll have to take and try better the second time.

Right now we are in between semesters and I am staying with new friends in Romania. Actually I am teaching English to Hungarians in the baptist churches here. I'm in a little bit over my head, but it is fun.

I don't speak any Hungarian but after listening to Austrians speak their dialect of German I am used to just zoning out when I don't understand the language. Everyone is very friendly and I am glad to be here for a time. The two photo albums I will admit are long over due for being posted. They are from my first visit to Romania just last October. I attended a wedding here and made plans to be doing what I am now.

The photo album starts out with comments then half way it stops completely. If you have a question about the blank photos, just type it into the page and I can respond. Otherwise there is no time now to give details but there is so much I could tell you about this place.

The second link is videos of the gypsey band that played during the wedding reception. The bride and groom are gypsey's as well.

I must prepare a lesson for tomorrow's English classes. So I must leave you for the night. Take care.

Romania Oct 3-5

Gypsey Wedding Oct 4