Tuesday, February 7, 2012

You could win 100 million monopoly Euros if...

...you can correctly guess what my current illness is.

One of my biggest fears is being called a hypochondriac by the doctor. Luckily, or unluckily, that did not happen last week at the _______ doctor. I have been experiencing a problem*, not really painful* just a bit annoying*. I talked to a few people about it, and with the school nurse's recommendation I went to see a specialist*. Unfortunately there is no real solution for this problem. The doctor did a test and a check-up but my illness was not alarming* to him, "in fact it is a common problem," he said. If it is really so common, then why have I never heard about it before now? Seriously!

*key words

Another clue is that the doctor did give me a prescription for something that could help me sleep if it becomes too disturbing. He also tried to make a joke which I didn't find funny, by saying that unlike a typical American doctor he can't just tell me to take a few aspirin to feel better.

So do not Google search what this is, either you know it or you don't and I will know if you are cheating. Please comment on this blog if you have had Tinnitus or if you know what Tinnitus is. I wasn't sure how to spell it at first because how it was pronounced in German sounded like Teenytuse.

Do I have a problem with my:
1)head and shoulders
2)knees and toes
3)eyes or
4)ears or
5)mouth or


  1. Is it the ringing in the ears thing?? Yes I have heard that is common but no fun at all! I am so sorry you are dealing with that.

  2. I have read this more than once and even though I am your mom I do not recall you EVER talking about these type of symptoms, whatever they are. So if I can't cheat to figure it out, being your mom and at, I don't think anyone could. So here is my guess...EARS!!!

  3. guessing,,,inflammation in your nose, causing you to not sleep?!?
    love you & praying for you!
